Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Liberalarium and other news

Now that the midterm elections are over with, we dread the creeping conservatism that is bound to take over the country.  Thus we are renaming our conservatory to now be called the liberalarium!  This name is more befitting for a household of bleeding heart, tree-hugging, animal whispering, left wingers.  So it's not a greenhouse, an orangerie or a conservatory; it's a liberalarium!

On to other news.  The interior is shaping up nicely, but we are holding off posting pictures since the work is proceeding on several fronts and no one room is completely finished.  Stay tuned.

The conservatory liberalarium! is now wired for electricity (as are the garden walls) and it has the southern skylights installed.

The skylights being installed on the liberalarium.

Trim and tile work are proceeding well and there is a lot of both.  Here's a picture of Isabel enjoying a dog toy on the tile being used for the shower floors:

Isabel on the shower floor tiles.  They must be pretty comfortable.

We also had three celebrations over the last few weeks.  Jason had a birthday, Scott had his birthday and of course we had a Christmas surprise one morning.  Here are the pictures (sadly there isn't one from Scott's party, but he's young enough to have many more):

Happy birthday for Jason (sorry he's blurry)

The Stylecraft crew the morning after a visit from Santa Claus.  
Back row:  Bruce, Sergey, Scott
Seated in front:  Jason
Jason's blurry again (hmmmmm, makes him seem kind of shady!)

Onward and upward,
Mark, Mark & Isabel

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