Friday, October 9, 2009

In the beginning...

In the beginning the City created many long skinny lots. Then Mark and Mark looked at these lots and said, "they are not good". So on the first day our heroes made plans to beget a bigger space. Using their powers of almost limitless patience and persistent whining, they were able to combine 5 lots into a space that's 100 feet wide by 130 feet deep. To people living west of highway 170 this lot would nearly fit inside your great room, but for the City, it's a pretty big area. Here's a picture and a movie:

The first series of tasks we will be doing in this project include having the land surveyed which will include thinking about drainage and excavation issues, determining the location of the house on the lot and eventually getting a building permit. These actions are all currently in the works, so our hope is to begin building in October, but it is more likely to be November. Weather issues will be a concern, but when is that not going to be true?

As long as something new is happening, we will post roughly weekly or bi-weekly updates. Should be pretty exciting, especially since we're living in a leased house right next door to the building site. This will give us the opportunity to count each nail and time the coffee breaks. Or better yet, we're going to close our eyes and wake up next Spring in a new house.


Charles said...

Great job guys! If more people would be as thoughtful and careful before beginning a project, the world would be a much better place. Charles Z.

Susan K. Flowers said...

It will be great to follow the project as it moves along! Kudos to you for tackling both the project and a blog!

Anonymous said...

This is great. Thanks for sharing

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